Apt Crowd Forums
Apt Crowd, LLC is proud to provide hosting services to some of the most innovative user groups in the Gas Turbine industry.

501D5-D5A Users Group
Private forum and website for owners and/or operators of 501D5 or D5A combustion turbines.

501f Users Group, Inc.
The official online community for owners and operators of 501F generators. Members are directly involved in construction, ownership, operation, and/or maintenance of Siemens, Westinghouse and Mitsubishi 501F, 701F, and SGT6-5000F gas turbines.

AOG Users Group
This forum is a private online community of Alstom turbine owners enabling individuals responsible for plant repair, operations, and maintenance to communicate directly and securely with each other. This is the online 24x7 extension of our already successful and growing annual conference

501G Users Group
The 501G Users Group is a group of collaborative owners, operators, and maintainers of the Siemens 501G turbines. The 501G Users Group holds semi-annual conferences to share learnings through discussions of operation, maintenance, inspection, troubleshooting, repair, and optimization of the 501G turbines and auxiliary equipment.
Membership is limited to individuals who are directly involved in the construction, operation, and/or maintenance of Siemens 501G gas turbines and who are employed by companies with direct ownership and/or operational interest in those gas turbines.

FT8 Users Group
This forum is a private online community of FT8 turbine owners, enabling individuals responsible for plant repair, operations, and maintenance to communicate directly and securely with each other. This is the online 24x7 extension of our already successful and growing annual conference.
Membership is limited to individuals who are directly involved in the construction, operation, and/or maintenance of P&W FT8 gas turbines and who are employed by companies with direct ownership and/or operational interest in those turbines.